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SCO Summit in Pakistan: A Catalyst for Regional Unity and Global Influence

Writer: M Mikran SandhuM Mikran Sandhu

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization conference recently held in Pakistan has turned out to be a historic landmark in the past years. Being a regional power, Pakistan is among the countries tasked with the hosting of an SCO function, which served as an illustration to the increasing significance and commitment to cooperation coming from the SCO member states. This is an in-depth report on all salient features, outcomes, and implications of the conference.

Member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Thematic Signposts of Emerging Trends

The Pakistan SCO summit 2024 was carried alongside a number of critical themes that signal a change within its priorities:

1. Economic Cooperation:

It focused on the strategies member states of SCO could tap into in order to invest on trade and investments between them, such as infrastructure development, energy cooperation, and digital connectivity.

  • Security Cooperation: Common security problems were still at the forefront. Anti-terrorism, extremism, and trafficking in narcotics are some major items on the agenda. Control over the borders and regional stability also find a place on the agenda.

  • Cultural Exchange: Culturally exchange and people-to-people contacts became an essential part of the SCO. Initiatives in tourism, education, and cultural exchanges were discussed in connection with people-to-people contacts.

  • Environmental Protection: Climate change and deterioration of the environment had become an emerging threat for the organization. The participants discussed what could be done toward sustainable development and protection of the environment.

SCO Members
SCO Members
  1. Conference Outcomes

The 2024 SCO conference gave some very important outcomes:

Joint Declaration: SCO members passed a joint declaration which detailed the key priorities and commitment made by the organization for coming years.

It also worked to expand the cooperation of member states in all sections: trade, investment, security, and culture.

Regarding the infrastructure policy, the SCO member states promised to cooperate with one another in creating infrastructure to better connect the area.

The organization reaffirmed its resolve to keep fighting against terrorism and elected cooperation in this respect.

Environmental Initiatives: The SCO members agreed on measures to enhance sustainable development and the environment.

3.Implications of the Conference;

The 2024 SCO conference in Pakistan came along with many implications:

Regional integration for the member states of the SCO was strengthened

The status of Pakistan was improved, as it now boasts to have hosted a conference, hence growing the speed of its influence and leadership within the region.

The programs agreed on during the summit shall help create a good rhythm for this factor, since they will boost greater economies of growth and development within the region.

Security challenges measures

  • To Be Used in Increasing Security Stability and Security in the Region

  • Benefits of a culture exchange will positively ensure a perfect understanding and cooperation among the several cultures involved.

  1. Role of SCO in Global Affairs

Whereas the SCO has focused mainly on regional cooperation, it has equally emerged as a global influential actor. Some of the reasons that can be termed for its growing influence are as follows:

Economic Power: The total number of the SCO member countries adds up to a huge number of people and economy. With the world economy under their sovereign control, nobody with their senses intact would expect them not to be a power.


Geopolitical Relevance: SCO comprises Central Asia, South Asia, and Eastern Europe, meaning that of its own it is always placed on the geopolitical sensitive area. It's going to spill over way beyond their borders.

Shared Interests: The SCO nations shared common interest in energy security, combating terrorism, and regional stability. Among the shared interests that led to increased cooperation and unity of member countries were;

The SCO indeed acted proactively against the global challenges, some of which are as follows

  • Counter-Terrorism: It has been in the forefront of fighting terrorism and extremism in the region. It has developed ways of cooperation and intelligence exchange among its members.

  • Energy Security: The SCO has always cared for energy security for its member states. Therefore, it has encouraged energy exploration, production, and transportation cooperation.

  • Climate Change: It realized the dangers of climate change and has recently initiated processes that reverse the negative impacts it has. It has been calling for sustainable development and protection of the environment.

  • Global Governance: This Organization has looked forward to taking a more pro-active role in global governance. They are participating and involving themselves in international forums or initiatives toward promoting the interests of their members.

It has spread to other regions much in the last years. It established dialogue mechanisms with the African Union and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The partnership pushes SCO to expand influences and cooperation beyond the region.

SCO Countries
SCO Countries


Hence, the conference of Pakistan SCO 2024 was significant in that it reaffirmed the commitment of the organizations to regional cooperation and peace. In other words, its fruits will definitely last for life, economically and in terms of security and cultures within the region.

The SCO will keep growing and developing their role in shaping the future of Eurasia.


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